Public Call to offset GHG emissions from World Cup
The Ministry for the Environment invites companies to donate Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) from Brazilian Clean Development Mechanism projects (CDM) to the Strategy to Offset GHG Emissions from FIFA World Cup 2014. The donation of CERs does not involve any financial transaction. Interested companies shall cancel CERs issued due to the compensation of the event. Donors will receive an official certificate acknowledging their contribution to offset the FIFA world Cup in Brazil, 'Selo Sustentabilidade - Baixo Carbono'. In addition, corporate donors will be appointed in the Project's reports, in the Official Journal and on the Ministry for the Environment website. More details in: http://www.mma.gov.br/governanca-ambiental/copa-verde/nucleo-mudancas-climaticas/item/10087
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